How to Setup an Apache Web Server & python interpreter in a Docker Container
1) Set up Web server:
Task details:
Configure HTTPD server on docker container so we can use as web server.
Let’s start :
- Install docker
- configure web server in docker container
👉 Install docker
step 1: We need to configure first yum file
first go to /etc/yum.repos.d then create docker.repo file .
In docker.repo file add following things:
baseurl= gpgcheck=0
and save file.
Run the following command to check docker repo working or not
yum repolist
step 2: We can install docker by following command
yum install docker-ce — nobest
docker will install
👉 configure web server in docker container
Note: Before starting service you need to stop the firewall so you will not face any connectivity issue inside docker
Step 1:start docker service
systemctl stop firewalld
To start docker service use the command
systemctl start docker
see status by
systemctl status docker
step 2:Pull image and run docker image
Pull image by following command
docker pull centos
Launch container using centos image by following command
docker run -it — name mycentos1 centos
Then you automatic enter in centos terminal
Now , we Going to install httpd server in centos container
- install httpd in centos by
yum install httpd
2. Now run following command to start httpd
3.Now put file in /var/www/html folder
Now see ip of container by command
If this ifconfig not work then install net-tools software by following command
yum install net-tools
ip of this container is :(
Now go to browser then type
Now successfully run our server You can see html page on browser.
2)Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container
Task details:
Run python on any docker container
step 1: First pull image and run container
docker run -it — name pythoncontainer centos
Here run is used for pull and run image can both.
Now automatic landed on centos container.
You can run any container same as centos by following command
docker run -it — name pythoncontainer CONTAINER_NAME
Here we use centos image container for run python
step 2: Run python
In redhat os , python3 is inbuilt so we can use directly but in container not pyhton3 is inbuilt.
So we need to install python3 software
Before install python3 : we will show command not found
To install python3
yum install python3
Now We add python3 in our centos container
Run python code:
how we can python code & setup Web server in any container .
Thank you