Create a setup so that you can ping Google but not able to ping Facebook from the same system
Here , In this blog i use the Redhat vesion 8 system
Step 1: Open terminal in Redhat system , and check the routing table.
For check routing table in Redhat we will use ‘route -n’ :
Here i currently use enp0s3 Network card .
Step 2: Check IP of Google and Facebook.
nslookup is used for check IP of server.
Step 3: Now we create the setup , For ping Gooogle but not ping Facebook .
When you ping Google( then packet transfer through your routeing table to the Google. If this rules are not in routing table then we can not ping google and any server.
Here in above routing table rules means we can ping any pc of IP.
If these rule is deleted then we cannot ping to any server. so, to create the Packet we need rules in Routing table .
So For create the packet for google and not for facebook . we wiil change in routing table.
Changes is..
Ip of google is Form 216 …. to 255 … So we make Rule as only packet generate for only 216 .. to 255… not for other. so First delet the rule and by this new rule we can ping google bcz IP of Google is lied between this rage and Facebook IP is lied not in this range so We can ping google But not ping Facebook .
First delet
Second add Rule So ping google and not to the facebook
Ping Google but not Facebook
Thank you